For Ubuntu MATE 17.10 and Ubuntu MATE 18.04 and the 'touchpad' provided on the Dell XPS 13, the command xinput is what we need to use. Sometimes the specific touch-enabled device you have and which distribution of Linux you use will determine what command you will need to use in your script. Just be aware that your device may have a different name or may be referenced by its commercial brand name on your hardware. The device might be called 'trackpad', 'touchpad', 'clickpad', or something similar. Many computer manufacturers provide a function key or key combination that alternately enables and disables the device. Given that the built-in 'disable touchpad while typing' feature does not work for some people, having the ability to manually disable the touch-enabled device can prevent typing mistakes.
Most laptop computers these days use a touch-enabled device in place of an external mouse. Toggle Your Laptop's Trackpad/Touchpad On and Off Updated: 1 Enable the ability to toggle the touchpad on and off with a function key